Enjin, our website host, is shutting down all websites on their platform on April 30.
The only way to get an email out to our 1500 users is by trying to use a bunch of old accounts to send website messages one at a time. Because an account can only send 62 messages per day, I need 12-24 existing accounts' login info in order to send messages to all our users. New accounts can only send 1 message per hour, which is still better than nothing.
If anyone is willing to change their account passwords on this site and DM me your login details either here or on Discord (Brycey92#9215), it would be greatly appreciated! I also need 2-factor authentication to be removed in order to use an account.
Feel free to ask for any proof that I'm still the real me, and I will provide it. I've also created a similar post on our Discord server.